Sunday 14 February 2016

[♡♡Letter][From. Yooyoung] Let's together chocolate yum yum♥


Hello my loves!
Today it snows very little and very cold. It's Valentine day that we should eat sweet chocolate><
Thanks to everyone I eat a piece of chocolate nicely from morning hehe
Did you eat deliciously?
Maybe there is people that didn't eat
Dark chocolate is good for body. So please eat around 40~50g in a day♥(I didn't know the recommended amount a day so I searched for it..><)
Of course with my elementary school student appetite, I didn't eat bitter food
However my love Hello Cupid's health is precious so with eating dark chocolate!Around 99% cacaoㅋㅋㅋㅋ^^♥
Then today also think about Hello Venus a lot
And eat your dinner deliciously
And have a bite of my love too♥
Well I have to go now >.<chu chu