Tuesday 28 June 2016

[Article] Hello Venus Nara, 7 CF contract in 3 week..new CF queen

Group Hello Venus Nara contracted total of 7 CF for 3 weeks.

According to official, Nara received numerous CF proposal in 3 week duration recently and signed contract with 7 companies. It's a situation where numerous CF are discussed positively.
Nara boasted a faultless visual with her tall height and body without flab as a CF model. The advertisers looked forward for Nara to pull product's image in scene ambience and courteous appearance, in addition to Nara's likeable appearance.

The official revealed, "Nara signed contract with various products and companies such as cosmetics, jeans, outdoor, game as well as telecommunication company membership card. After signing with telecommunication company advertisement, CF is coming more flooding. By no means, a contract with a large CF seems to cause positive effect to other CF.

After that the official added, "Attitude shown by Nara at shooting scene is deriving favourable comment from interested people. It seems that she is recognised highly with her humble mind down to last detail.

Meanwhile Nara has departed on 23rd June for channel CGV real movie production  'I am also a Movie Director:Youth Movie' shooting.

[Naver + The Daily SportsHello Venus Nara, 7 CF contract in 3 week..new CF queen 

Post response:

1. [+12,-3] Nara is really pretty!!

2. [+7,-2] Finally she sees the light sob sob

3. [+7,-3] This kind of article for Hello VenusㅠㅠFighting!

4. [+1,-1] Ah really pretty..Heart..attack

5. [+4,-3] Finally she sees light again after 'Would You Stay For Tea?'. As a fan, I'm really happy