Sunday 12 June 2016

[Article] Hello Venus Nara chosen as SK Telecom new model


[FocusNews] Hello Venus Nara, SK Telecom new model…“Image matches well”

Girl group Hello Venus member Nara is chosen as SK Telecom new model.

Nara made appearance in SK Telecom 'Data Plus T Membership' CF. Nara captivates the eyes of people that watched the video with well-proportioned slender body and western beautiful face. She's getting envy of female fans with refreshing image that harmonises with summer and cool visual.

Fresh smile of Nara that shouts "Catch the form if you can" and run throughout the CF can be seen. Nara is not visual only in CF shooting, but she perfectly bring lovely atmosphere that matches the CF concept. Nara's jack-of-all-trade charm encourages fully the shooting set atmosphere.

Authorised person in SK Telecom said, "The day of CF shooting, the work is proceeded from dawn until late at night outdoor on a hot weather. Nevertheless, Nara still didn't lose her bright face and saved bright concept and lovable feeling. Nara's charming image harmonises with CF concept and show synergy.


Meanwhile recently girl group Hello Venus (Nara·Alice·Lime·Yooyoung·Seoyoung·Yeoreum) released digital single 'Glow'.


[Sports World + Naver] Hello Venus Nara, chosen as SK Telecom TV CF model

1. [+3,-1]She's really pretty! I hope you'll become prospering group with this chance!

2. [+2,-1] Wow she's really pretty !

3. [+0,-1] Nara-yaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Now let's really walk on flowery road onlyㅍㅠㅠ

4. [+0,-1] Kwon Nara is really pretty I love you


[TenAsia + Naver] Hello Venus Nara, chosen as SKT CF model "Living barbie doll"

1. [+0,-0] Learn Korean history diligently and come out.


[Hankook Kyungjae + Naver] Hello Venus Nara, doll beauty face attention…great level charm release

1. [+13,-3] All sh*tty one has disappear and the real one appear ㅇㅇ

2. [+1,-0] HV Nara fighting!

3. [+11,-4] God Nara........

4. [+16,-8] Wow her body is crazy..

5. [+14,-8] Wow... Look at her body with that face ㄷㄷㄷ..

6. [+14,8] Really pretty~ Jealous!

7. [+1,-6] I look again after searching, apparently only her body is pretty~ㅋ

8. [+3,-7] She's pretty but no charm~~A face that will make us fed up soon~

9. [+0,-7] She's not natural beauty but plastic, fed up


[Sports Kyunghyang + Naver] Hello Venus Nara become '2nd Seolhyun'. Great doll face as SKT model

1. [+3,-1] For me. Seolhyun is the prettiest

2. [+5,-2] This time SKT doesn't make error or mistake in their model list right how can that be.....

3. [+4,-2] "Nara past" Is it picture before plastic surgery? Korean entertainment world is really overflowing with artificial plastic surgery ㅜㅜ

4. [+5,-3] Seolhyun is much better..

5. [+3,-9] I hope Seolhyun will go learn history

6. [+50,-25] Seolhyun renews her contract until Octoberㅋㅋ Originally SK used many model

7. [+42,-24] Truthfully SK is like Seolhyun

8. [+33,-22] Our Seolhyun~~~❤️

9. [+3,-12] I like Seolhyun but I also look forward to Nara

10. [+37,-24] What about Seolhyun??? She said she renews her contractㅠㅠ SK without Seolhyun is steamed bread without red bean...

11. [+34,-23] Don't follow Seolhyun pose!! Isn't there refreshing one~?

12. [+36,-24] If Seolhyun doesn't do CF, I'll change telecommunication company

13. [+35,-25] Seolhyun is the best!!♡♡♡ I think Seolhyun is the best for CF I'll always supportᆢ ^^ Don't bother the bad comment. People that don't have anything to do and came here to leave bad comment people that don't have have anything to do ᆢ Our Seolhyun pretty pretty♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

14. [+40,-27] Seolhyun is the best. I'm using SK because of Seolhyun

15. [+38,-28] No matter what they say, Seolhyun is the best

16. [+39,-30] Kinda lacking feeling

17. [+6,-19] Her image is classyㅋ After searching for her picture, picture with long hair came out. She may have been 100 times prettier than Seolhyun.

18. [+7,-20] She's 100 times better than Seolhyun.

19. [+42,-32] Seolhyun has kinda charm that can enter store

20. [+6,-20] Wow Nara is freaking awesome..

21. [+3,-19] Hello Venus Nara SK Telecom TV CF model can be 2nd Seolhyun~&~?!

22. [+4,-20] She's prettier than Seolhyun and there are many kids with pretty body but Seolhyun  is like magnet that attracts. Tzuyu Yura Suzy I don't have feeling for those kids

23. [+3,-20] Ah Nara become new model, then she should have just done it. SK also has passed 15 years, should just do it all family just

24. [+6,-22] OMG look at her white skin...She's better than the existing one

25. [+5,-23] She is not sh*tty like Seolhyun and she looks more prettier

26. [+43,-37] Seolhyun is better..;; Her charm can't be seen both her body and face

27. [+12,-29] I see that she doesn't have anything lacking compared to Seolhyun? Even her body Is her name Nara? I like to see her more and her features also are more refreshing she's pretty?? Seolhyun recognition is more higher but Seolhyun also become famous with standing signboard like this so Nara also has high enough possibility to become famous ㅋㅋ

28. [+14,-31] Nara is the best!!!!!

29. [+16,-32] Finally Nara is famous.... I hope she'll do well~

30. [+11,-32] Her face and body are awesome but recently what's up with SKT CF? It feels like they are given money and advertise the model

31. [+12,-37] Seolhyun: Anyway Kinddokkang is mine