Friday 25 March 2016

[Pann] Hello Venus One Day Cafe that makes you want to go to drink tea everyday

Girl group Hello Venus is promoting for song 'Do You Want Some Tea?'

They opened a one day charity cafe that was accurately right for the song title

The made simple drink directly and personally sold them ㅎㅎ

They said they contributed the entire amount of sale money.

Eldest sister Alice receives cuteness from the youngest ㅋㅋ (left side)

Ara seems unpleased with something

Aegyo king Yoonjo gives fan service to fans ㅋㅋ

Nara-ya that's not food..

This day youngest Yooyoung beautiful face explosion. Trembles

Leader are focused on making drink..

Lime is forever bright ~~

About over 200 fans gather. The cafe is a big success!

I also went and drank chocolate latte and it was delicious.

I'll come everyday if it's this cafe..

[Pann] Hello Venus One Day Cafe that makes you want to go to drink tea everyday