Monday 13 March 2017

[Article] 'Old School' Alice "The center is decided by agency, it feels good to be the center"

'Old School' Hello Venus Alice expressed her pleasure for the center spot.

{Omitted introduction of the guest}

SanE asked, "Who is the center member for each team?". Hello Venus Alice revealed, "We are different for each time and usually it's either Yooyoung or me." SanE asked, "Is it good to be in the center?" and Alice said, "Of course. It's not bad."

CLC Yeeun said, "We also changed a lot but it's either Eunbin or Yujin. The center is not here."

SanE asked, "How is the center decided?". Alice explained, "Usually when a team is made, the center is changed for a few time. They fix the best picture at the end of several attempts. When the concept changes, the center changes every time."

[Ilgan Sports + Naver] 'Old School' Alice "The center is decided by agency, it feels good to be the center"

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