Friday 31 March 2017

[Photo] 170331 Nara, Lime, Yooyoung @ 2017 F/W Seoul Fashion Week - CHARM'S Collection Part 1

[Hankook Kyungje + NaverHello Venus Lime - Nara - Yooyoung, 'Beautiful three beauties~'

Post response [+10]:

1. [+11,-0] Lame...I see all kind of fashionsㅡㅡ

2. [+5,-0] Are clothes toy? ㅎㅎ

3. [+1,-0] Recently Nara is really pretty

4. [+0,-0] The sense of dressing is ㅡ!ㅡ

[Sports Chosun + Naver] Lime Nara Yooyoung, different sense of fashion~

Post response [+4]:

1. [+23,-0] Whew.....Why it's always us who feel embarrased for them ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Unskilled

2. [+12,-0]......ㅠㅠ

3. [+10,-0] Why did she put her hand in pocket?????

4. [+9,-0] Are they doing Pokemon Go?

5. [+5,-0] What is that hip pouch?? I thought they're audition game character!

"Her proportion hard carry"

"The goddess looks like this"

"Only her collarbone is shown"

[Dispatch + Naver] "Attention on collarbone"…Nara, slender T-line

Post response [+11]:
1. [+8,-2] 👍👍👍

2. [+3,-2] Wow..

3. [+0,-1] Which clothes are that ㅠ I want to know

4  [+0,-2] Eh the first picture is like Woo Hee Jin

5. [+1,-3] A princess and two maids

[Sports Chosun + Naver] Hello Venus Lime, cute heart release~

Post response [+4]:

    1. [+9,-0] The design for CHARM'S brand is really shitty. Tight pants whew tsk tsk tsk

    2. [+3,-1] Pay..ㅡㅡ

    3. [+0,-0] How can she become idol with that face

[Hankook Kyungje + Naver] Hello Venus Yooyoung, 'Carefree appearance~' 

Post response [+8]:

1. [+2,-1] Don't wear jumper. Does that look beautiful?? Either wear or strip

[OSEN + Naver] Yooyoung,'Health beauty'

Post response [+5]:

1. [+5,-4] Do you think it's cool and pretty to wear clothes like this?

0 Hello Cupids:

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